Teaching and Administrative Highlights

  • Student Shows and Portfolio Reviews

    • Planned and coordinated annual senior student shows in college galleries
    • Coordinated annual trip to AIGA Cleveland Student Portfolio Review
  • Student Internships

    • Established and coordinated student internships with local/regional businesses
    • Coordinated Capstone “Special Projects” between seniors and local/regional businesses
  • Student Collaborations

  • Program Design and Facilities Renovation

  • Curriculum Development

  • Polices and Procedures

    • Collaborated with faculty to create new program policies and procedures such as equipment check-out, training procedures, equipment usage and computer/print lab policies
    • Established computer lab schedules each semester
    • Access card administration each semester
  • Faculty, Staff and Student Assistants Hiring / Supervision

    • Chaired faculty search committee for new tenure-track faculty
    • Mentored new faculty
    • Hired, supervised and trained student lab assistants
    • Established student lab assistant work schedules
    • Approved student lab assistants weekly time sheets
    • Advertised and hired adjunct faculty
    • Conducted annual beginning of year adjunct faculty orientation
    • Support staff training, scheduling and performance evaluations
  • Program Promotion, Retention and Recruitment

    • Developed recruiting materials with faculty; including brochures, posters and web site
    • Conducted tours and met with prospective students and parents
    • Drafted press releases regarding program/student news, events and announcements
    • Maintained large screen hallway displays promoting student success, upcoming events and important dates
    • Created and designed new logo and identity for MA+D program. Components of the identity included; logo, program web site, recruitment brochures, course promotional posters and interior graphics
  • Course and Classroom Scheduling

    • Planned upcoming academic year course schedule
    • Assigned semester course schedule to faculty
    • Collaborated with Registrar’s Office on classroom and studio scheduling
  • Special Events and Presentations

    • Coordinated and hosted the TDC 32 International Type Exhibition at Westminster as part of the exhibits worldwide tour
    • Organized the “Get To Know Mac” event for faculty and staff . This day-long event focused on bringing attention to the first Mac computer lab at Westminster and training on the iMac computers and software
    • Presented as part of the Faires Faculty Forum. The presentation “The Design of Stuff and Other Things” focused on the idea that design is in every corner of our lives - from our homes and workplaces to stores we shop and buildings in our communities
  • Rapid Prototyping Lab

  • Program and Curriculum Assessment

    • Created advisory boards (37 members) for all eight Visual Communication & Design disciplines (VC&D, Advertising Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Illustration, Interactive Media, Digital Video and Media Arts
    • Coordinated Program assessment and program outcomes sessions for all VC&D disciplines
    • Facilitated faculty curriculum meetings that followed the outcome sessions
    • Coordinated and facilitated curricular changes from recent outcome sessions, to all course outlines in the VC&D program
  • Program Budget and Grant Management

    • Oversaw and responsible for $1.6 million project budget (Westminster College)
    • Administered annual program budgets (Westminster College and Cuyahoga Community College)
    • $800,000 American Greeting Grant management (Cuyahoga Community College)
    • Member of the facilities planning team for the new $27.3 million Creative Arts facility (Cuyahoga Community College)
    • Researched, specified and created purchase orders for MA+D program photo, video and graphics equipment, totaling $229K (Westminster College)
  • Faculty and Administrative Meetings

    • Facilitated monthly faculty meetings
    • Met with faculty independently regarding specific program, student and curriculum issues - Monthly meetings with department Dean
    • Bimonthly meeting with campus Dean
  • Technology Evaluation and Purchasing

    • Annual review of software and computers for updates or replacement
    • Evaluated and specified new hardware, software and equipment and created purchase orders
    • Negotiated purchase costs with equipment vendors
    • Coordinated Mac computer 4-year lease cycle program
    • Coordinated annual software updates and help desk system with external firm and college IT department
    • Received and setup all digital photo, video and filmmaking equipment
  • Program Advisory Boards

    • Created advisory boards (37 members) for all eight Visual Communication & Design disciplines (VC&D, Advertising Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Illustration, Interactive Media, Digital Video and Media Arts
    • Coordinated Program assessment and program outcomes sessions (included all members of advisory boards and faculty) for all VC&D disciplines (Cuyahoga Community College)

Request Packet

I’ll send you a copy of my CV and highlighted work.